new year, new you01How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution

It’s that time of the year when you reflect back on the last 365 days. Did you accomplish what you set out to last January 1st? If not, maybe you made some common mistakes, like trying to change too much all at once. Make sure your resolutions list isn’t as long as your holiday shopping list was! Follow these six steps to help you be more successful at accomplishing your New Year’s resolution this time around.

You’ll need the following:

1)   Realistic Goals

2)   A Written Plan

3)   Support

4)   Positive Thinking

5)   3 Weeks of Discipline

6)   Self Forgiveness


Step 1: Choose goals that are realistic and attainable

Setting the bar too high or choosing more than you can handle only invites disappointment. Make small goals that will help you get to your main goal. For instance, if your ideal weight is 40 pounds less than your current weight, make your goal a weight loss of 5 lbs. You will feel better when you achieve this which will encourage you to keep going.

Step 2: Write down your goals

Research shows people who write down their resolutions are more likely to keep them. Get a notebook and jot down a couple goals. Use this “fitness journal” to track your progress throughout the way. Look back after a couple months to see what you’re doing right and try to fix anything you’re doing wrong.

Step 3: Find a support group

If you are like most Americans, losing weight is your number one resolution. One research study found that people who had around the clock support lost twice as much weight as those who did not. Join an online support group to help with this. You will be able to talk to people anytime of the day or night and everyone will be focused on the same goal. Sharing similar experiences and concerns with others going through the same thing is a great reminder you aren’t alone on this journey.

Step 4: Think of your resolution in positive terms

Instead of saying, “I’m not a morning person, I just can’t wake up early to go to the gym,” say, “I always feel so good after a workout, I love that feeling.” Highlighting the benefit to you is far more motivating than focusing on the negative.

Step 5: Stick with your resolution for at least 21 days

Research shows it takes at least that long to break or make a new habit. It might be difficult to do in the beginning, but after 3 weeks your new healthy habits will become easier to maintain and start to feel more like a new lifestyle rather than a painful task.

Step 6: Forgive yourself!

If you “cheat”, forgive yourself and move on. Don’t dwell on it and don’t think of it as a failure. Don’t make one slip-up an excuse to give up all together. Do, however, remember the feeling you had after a cheat the next time temptation rises.

new year, new you02Keep It Simple

Always remember it is important to be specific rather than vague with your goals. Instead of stating, “I want to lose weight this year,” make a specific goal that will help you with your weight loss. The following are some great resolutions to help you with the bigger picture.

1)   Get more sleep

2)   Drink more water

3)   Eat more veggies

4)   Have a green juice once a day

5)   Do SOMETHING physical at least 3 times a week

6)   Replace margarine with healthy oils (olive, coconut)

7)   Get a yearly wellness check up

8)   Find a new hobby to help relieve stress

Olivera Weight Loss wants to be part of your success this year in keeping your New Year’s resolutions. It brings us great joy to see the transformations our patients go through inside and out through the year. Do not hesitate to call our office with any questions or if you feel you need additional support.


Teresa M., RN