Here at Olivera Weight Loss, we’re committed to helping Chicago area patients achieve long-term, sustainable weight loss – and key to this is maintaining a regular exercise routine, and healthy eating habits. However, with the arrival of summer comes a welcome disruption of routines, which can also mean an unwelcome disruption to your journey towards a healthier weight, as it can become more difficult to stay disciplined and focused on your goals.

With this in mind here are a few tips to help you stay on track and navigate the perils of summertime BBQ season…

When Stacking Your Plate, Limit Unhealthy Foods
At the grill, go for leaner meats like chicken, shrimp, or turkey burgers – or forgo meat entirely with a veggie burger or grilled portabella mushroom. Snack on veggies instead of chips or fill up on green salad instead of loading up on starchy sides. Just go easy on the dressing!

Control Your Portion Sizes
Critical to your calorie-cutting efforts is knowing how much is enough. It’s best to limit yourself to no more than one cup total of starchy side dishes; three ounces of meat; and about a tablespoon of fatty dressings or spreads. For reference, one cup is about the size of a tennis ball; three ounces is comparable to a deck of cards; and a tablespoon is about the size of your thumb.

Eliminate “Empty” Calories
Cutting out sodas and sweet tea is an easy way to reduce your overall calorie intake. Instead, drink water or unsweetened tea – you can add flavor and a bit of character with a citrus slice or a garnish of mint or basil. And again, cut out the chips! Snack on veggies instead.

If you’re not getting the results you want from diet and exercise alone, a medically supervised weight loss program could be the answer – and that’s where we at Olivera come in. We’ve developed a time-tested program that combines one-on-one counseling on lifestyle, nutrition, and exercise with the clinically proven appetite suppressant Phentermine. The most widely used anti-obesity drug in the U.S., Phentermine helps weight loss by reducing your hunger cravings, making it easier to stick to your weight loss plan.

Ready to make an appointment? Contact Olivera Weight Loss today. You can book online, call us at (773) 327-6624, or just walk into either our Chicago office during business hours. And for special offers and the latest news from Olivera, be sure to subscribe to our email newsletter.