Losing weight sometimes seems like such a daunting challenge. That’s understandable, because it is not just a number. It really comes down to undoing years of bad habits and even more difficult, trying to physically build up some new ones. Naturally, we mean exercise. Starting a workout regimen is a challenge physically, mentally, and emotionally, and too often any one of these obstacles is what gets in the way of our fitness goals. So how to overcome these? First, we have to identify what they are, and from there, developing the tools to overcome them. So, let’s delve into how to take the first steps into a healthier life.

Getting Through the Emotional Barrier

We’re starting with this hurdle, because even if we don’t always admit it, it’s the single toughest challenge to overcome. When we acknowledge that we need to lose weight and increase our overall level of fitness for our health, we are admitting to ourselves and sometimes others that there is room for improvement. While this is true for every person, for some reason when it comes to weight loss, we tend to be sensitive about it. But being honest with ourselves and admitting it is the crucial first step, because without it, we can’t take any of the following ones. And until we have made the pursuit of fitness into a habit, this is a first step we need to take every day. But consider this; any step we take forward is better than staying still. You’ve got this.

Assess Your Fitness Level

The same way it took self-reflection to admit to ourselves that we need to improve our fitness, we now need to find out just how fit we are or aren’t. Generally speaking, we have some idea of how fit we are, but because it’s important to build consistency, the first thing we need to determine is sustainability. Nobody ever ran a marathon the first time they ran. So, what are some simple ways to figure this out? First, it’s important to know what your pulse is. Try taking it before and after walking 1 mile. Also, as best you can, time yourself. There’s no rush, we all move and improve at our own pace. But this should give us a reasonable idea of where we stand, and slowly but surely, we can improve on the results. Also, we should record our BMI when we begin, as this will also shed some light on how much work we have ahead of us.

Make A Workout Program That Works for You

Be mindful of what your fitness goals are. Do you want to develop endurance? Gain a little more flexibility or strength? While any of these approaches will help in the larger goal of weight loss, each also has their own benefits. Once you’ve gotten a good idea of your fitness level, decide which way you want to go with it. Having an idea of what you want to accomplish can make it easier to gauge your progress and keep you motivated to stay the course.

Include Physical Activity in Your Day-to-Day Life

Sometimes, life gets in the way. It happens to everyone, and we always ask ourselves “who has the time?” This is usually a result of us putting things off or trying to work out when we have a free minute. Instead of waiting for an opportunity to present itself, schedule physical activity ahead of time just like any other appointment. Or alternatively, schedule short bursts of activity throughout the day. Even if they are small periods of stretching, or 15 minutes of walking outside, these add up throughout the day. Stick with it, and eventually you’ll find yourself doing these for longer!

Mix It Up!

Here is the flip side. The sneaky issue we never consider. Sometimes, we just get plain bored of doing the same exercises day in and day out. In order to counter this, try some new physical activity. For example, if your routine involves walking, try doing something with less impact, like riding a bike for a bit. By mixing up our physical activities, we work out different muscle groups and prevent overusing muscles and injuring ourselves.

Track Your Progress

Nothing is more motivating than seeing your hard work pay off. Success fuels success. Try assessing your fitness level every 6 to 8 weeks using the methods above. Seeing progress will keep you honest but also wanting to improve even more. Also, while the overall goal may be weight loss, try to enjoy non scale victories. For example, have you shaved a minute or two off of your mile time? Or maybe you’ve gained a bit of flexibility you didn’t have before. Knowing you can do something that you previously couldn’t is a spectacular confidence builder!

Trust The Pros

In effect, weight loss, nutrition, and wellness, and fitness falls under the category of medical science. By seeking the help of trained professionals, you not only have better resources to succeed, but the support structure you need to build better habits. The professionals at Olivera Weight Loss have over 40 years of experience in helping people reduce their weight to a healthy BMI, in a clinically proven and medically safe way, and with the means to help their patients keep it off. Patients who qualify for medical weight loss treatment with Olivera receive Phentermine, an FDA approved, clinically proven appetite suppressant. Additionally, Olivera offers a wide array of supplements designed to help you lose weight, and others to help boost energy. With our established patients having the option to continue their care with our Telehealth service, receiving the support, encouragement, and continuing education they need, we make it easier than ever to follow your plan!