Thinking of starting a new exercise routine? Make sure you don’t fall victim to these five exercise pitfalls!

Don’t overdo it.

If you are so sore that you can’t workout for a week, you might get discouraged.  You’re also more likely to get injured if you don’t start gradually.  We recommend taking it easy you first few workouts, to see where you are and how sore you get.  Then take it from there, gradually increasing intensity and duration.

Don’t compare yourself to others.

We all start somewhere.  If someone else is in better physical shape than you are, they likely put in the work to get themselves there.  Comparing yourself to them before you’ve put in the work is comparing apples and oranges.  Save yourself the heartache and frustration – focus on your own progress.

Don’t avoid discomfort.

Although you shouldn’t overdo it and get yourself injured, you need to be willing to be uncomfortable and to push yourself.  A good workout should be challenging but doable.  Keeping your workouts challenging is one way to ensure that you will actually SEE results.  The more challenging your workouts, the better the results!

Don’t forget to set goals and hold yourself accountable.

Set goals.  Find ways to hold yourself accountable for those goals.  This may include creating a workout calendar for yourself, telling your spouse or friends about it, getting a personal trainer or posting on social media.  There are many ways to hold yourself accountable, but you have to find one that works well for you.  Then stick with it!

Don’t get bored.

As soon as you start getting bored in your routine, mix it up!  Try something new, different or fun.  Hiking, rock climbing, yoga, a dance class, a spin class or a few sessions with a trainer can keep you engaged and interested.

***Do not start any exercise program without clearance from you medical provider.***

If you are trying to lose weight, please consider visiting us at Olivera Weight Loss.  We use research-proven strategies, approaches and tools to help our patients achieve successful weight loss.  We offer a variety of services to meet your needs.  In our remote Nutrition Consultations, our Registered Dietitian develops a plan customized to meet your needs without you ever having to leave your home.  Phentermine, an FDA approved appetite suppressant proven to help patients lose weight, is available at Olivera Weight Loss for patients who qualify.   For more information on pricing and our other services, please visit our webpage or give us a call at 773-327-6624.  Follow us on Facebook for free weight loss tips, recipes and more.

*Please note, appointments are required for new patients and strongly encouraged for returning patients to minimize wait times.*

Written by Cassandra Towns, RDN, LDN, CD