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Don’t have the extra cash for a gym membership or a new bike?  No problem! There are free

group exercise classes around the city every day of the week.  Check these out!


Mondays and Wednesdays join in for a low-impact aerobic workout:

  • 9-10 AM Piotrowski Park, 4247 W. 31st St.
  • 10:30-11:30 AM  Humboldt Park, 1400 N. Sacramento
  • 12:30-1:30 PM Potawatomie, 7340 N. Rogers
  • 2:30-3:30 PM Albany Park, 4929 N. Sawyer

On Wednesdays at Millennium Park from August 3-31 you can attend Yoga from 7:30-8:15 AM for free!

Tuesdays and Thursdays join in for a low-impact aerobic workout:

  • 9-10 AM  Harrison Park  1824 S. Wood
  • 9-10 AM St. Mary Family Center, 1127 N. Oakley
  • 10:15-11:15 AM  Gage Park, 2411 W. 55th St.
  • 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Davis Square Park, 4430 S. Marshfield
  • 3-4 PM St. Elizabeth Hospital, 1431 N. Western

Thursdays 12-1 PM West Bucktown at Moksha Yoga Center.

Fridays join in for a low-impact aerobic workout:

  • 9-10 AM  Willa Guadalupe, 3021 E. 91st


Saturdays at Millennium Park a variety of group classes are offered throughout the morning, free of charge!  From August 6- September 3 you can go to:

  • 7 AM Tai Chi
  • 8 AM Yoga
  • 9 AM Pilates
  • 10 AM Zumba

Saturdays in the West Loop you can attend BareFeet Power Yoga from 4:30-5:30 PM for free.

Sundays FFC offers Yoga by the Lake from 11 am – 12 PM at Belmont Harbor, free of charge!

Although exercise is the number one indicator of someone’s likelihood of maintaining weight loss, nutrition-related changes are the most likely to induce weight loss in most individuals.  At Olivera Weight Loss, we offer a variety of research-proven strategies you can pair up with an exercise routine to lose weight the healthy way!  We offer an Integrative Program, a Primary Program, Individualized Nutrition Consultations, Lose It (an 8-week program to kick-start your weight loss) as well as other services.  Please visit our website for more detailed information and for pricing.

Authored by Cassandra Towns, RDN, LDN, CD