Happy Holidays to All from Olivera Weight Loss! To celebrate the holiday season and offer our gratitude in a way that helps our patients live their best and healthiest life, we are offering an exciting bonanza of specials for the last weeks of 2020! Read on to find out what the second half of December has in store.

Save Every Day!
Now through the end of the year, we are offering savings to every patient on Medical Weight Loss. Return Patients pay just $75 for their next appointment (down from $100), and New Patients can get started any day of the week for just $99! We want to see everyone get a head start on their best and healthiest year yet.

Relax and Hydrate with 20% Off All IVs
To help all of our patients stay healthy, hydrated, and ready to thrive this holiday season, we are offering ALL of our full-size IV Therapy Treatments for an unprecedented 20% off regular price. Come in, relax, and get healthy at a phenomenal savings!

All Boosters are $10 Off
Add a Booster Shot to any Medical Weight Loss visit or Full-Size IV treatment, and save $10 off regular price. That’s right, patients will be getting up to 33% off any Booster in our catalog, bringing a little extra health assistance where it’s needed most.

Triple Treat: The Telehealth 3-Pack
We’ve been talking about this one, and it’s time to discover the Telehealth 3-Pack. Sign up for our Telehealth 3-Pack at one unbeatable package price. With convenient Phentermine refill options available to suit everyone’s needs, we’re ready to help our patients stay healthy on the go at a price that makes everyone’s wallet smile.

Save on Any Telehealth Appointment
From now through the end of the year, any Telehealth appointment is available for $10 off. Get healthy on the go suited to a busy schedule now for the lowest price ever! Receive the gift of health on the go, and celebrate the holidays with comfort and joy.

We wish our friends and patients the happiest of holidays, and hope to see everyone soon. Book An Appointment Today and we’ll apply all discounts to the total at checkout. At Olivera Weight Loss, we take our patients’ health seriously, and we hope you will too. Let us treat you to healthy living at magical prices this holiday season, so that we can all start the new year off right.

Happy Holidays and Thank You from Olivera!