Reaching holiday health goals feels great, but the secret to long-lasting success is to create and maintain new habits that support those goals. As one of Chicago’s top Medical Weight Management clinics, Olivera Weight Loss does more than give patients a head start – we are our patients’ partners through the process of making lasting healthy changes. We challenge each of our patients to create new habits that not only support healthy living, but can be a viable lifestyle that keeps the momentum moving forward! Take a look at how we support our patients in creating a plan not just to lose weight, but to keep it off and stay healthy:

Craft a Healthy Eating Philosophy
The harmful effects of an unhealthy diet are well-documented, with more than 35% of the U.S. population classified as “obese.” We’ll teach you how to identify—and eliminate—unhealthy, processed foods filled with sugar, salt and fat from your diet. We’ll counsel you on strategies for building a diet centered on healthy protein, whole grains, vegetables and fruit. The path to wellness is paved with good food choices, and we are here to help you find the path and stay on it – not just over the holiday season, but every day.

Reduce Your Hunger Cravings
Crafting a healthier diet is a step-by-step process that requires commitment and support from you, your family and your team at Olivera. A combination of an FDA-approved appetite suppressant and individualized, one-on-one office visits will help you stick to your plan and break the cycle of hunger cravings. Although it might start with medical interventions as a way to keep the seasonal sweets out of your dreams, as better eating becomes the new normal pattern in the coming year, cravings will drop away naturally!

Find an Activity Level that Works for You
We’ll work closely with you to develop a plan for 30 minutes of moderate physical activity at least five days a week. As you shed weight, your energy level will improve. Making time for daily exercise is essential to long-term weight loss and weight management. Finding an activity level that suits your physical abilities is the key to building that exercise habit. More than a gambit to fit into that slinky New Years outfit, crafting a lifestyle that includes physical activity gives you a new life and a new you to bring into 2022!

Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle
Stress can cause a number of problems associated with weight gain, including overeating, lack of proper sleep and the desire to comfort ourselves with snacks and sweets. We will provide you with strategies to better manage stress, enabling you to successfully lose weight and maintain a healthier, happier existence. This healthy living thing is more than just numbers, it’s about creating a healthy lifestyle that naturally supports your fitness goals today, tomorrow, and for every holiday ever after.

Keep it Going!
Meeting short-term goals feels great, but the best results happen when you make the commitment to creating and maintaining better habits as your new normal. Build health and confidence with help from Olivera Weight Loss, and be ready to reap the benefits in 2022 and beyond as better habits become your new standard of living.

Olivera Weight Loss believes in helping our patients craft healthy habits for the holiday season and beyond, to achieve lasting results. Create the healthy and active life of your dreams and start living the good life today! Appointments are limited, so book an appointment now to reserve your spot.