Olivera Weight Loss is here to help our patients achieve weight loss results by Memorial Day! As the warm weather approaches and people contemplate more time outside and shorter sleeves and hemlines, many begin to focus on what will help them look and feel great while they’re enjoying the season. As one of Chicago’s leading health-focused weight management centers, we are here to keep those results within reach for our patients, using a combination of interventions best calculated to not just achieve results, but create healthy lasting change. To lose up to 15lbs by Memorial Day*, start with Olivera today and get on the path to achieving your goals and loving it! Here’s how to make your healthy living goals a priority this season: 

Believe in Your Power
Believing in yourself is a core part of achieving your dreams. Whatever you believe you can accomplish becomes more and more possible – because hard work over time feels a lot more doable when you believe the reward is not just achievable but likely. At Olivera, we believe in our patients because we have seen so many patients beat or even exceed their goals, and make it last. We know that you can do it, and you know that you can do it – so let’s team up and get it done together!

Get Started with Medical Weight Management
To get off to a strong start on achieving your goals, set up your first Medical Weight Management appointment now! Our signature service will get you started right by establishing a baseline and fleshing out your goals and best practices to make those goals happen. Appointments are limited, so book an appointment today!

Bring a Friend
Nothing brings out the best in us like a little love and support. Enlist a buddy to join you, and thanks to our Bring A Friend discount you will both receive $10 off your first Medical Weight Management appointment. When you and a friend are cheering each other on and celebrating each other’s successes, it makes building good habits and sticking to them a fun shared activity that you can both enjoy throughout the year.

Take Advantage of our Package Deals
To help our patients save big and feel great doing it, we offer convenient and affordable Weight Loss Packages. Book that first appointment with our easy and convenient online booking. At the office, choose to upgrade to a 3-month or 6-month package deal, and save more on every appointment the longer you go! Not only is this a great way to keep your budget going strong, a package deal provides a built-in incentive to keep working on your goals – you’ve already paid for that extra care, so you’re more likely to be all in on continued effort to reach the goals you’ve set.

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
We believe in helping our patients invest in their own long-term health by setting healthy goals, using safe and effective medical interventions to overcome obstacles, and encouraging patients to create healthy habits that will continue to yield results over a lifetime. Reaching weight goals happens gradually over time if done right. We believe that healthy living is for everybody and every body, and we are always ready to discuss your particular challenges and help you find your path. Keep moving toward your goals, and let us help you get there..

Olivera Weight Loss is here to help you reach your healthy living goals, using the best in medical interventions starting today. Let us be your partner in setting and achieving goals that work for you and your lifestyle, and look and feel your best for the summer! Appointments are limited, so book an appointment now to reserve your spot.

*The suggested weight loss goal represents a healthy and sustainable weight loss averaging 1-2lbs per week. Results may vary, and specific weight goals are not guaranteed.