We all need to work on ourselves. Nobody is perfect, so working on ourselves is one of life’s most consistent and relatable experiences. This is supremely important when it comes to the topic of our health and wellbeing. Exercise is a big part of that, but it’s also a notoriously difficult habit to build. One of the most curious things about people is that, while we are aware that we need to improve ourselves, we have a tendency to shy away from one of the most beneficial behaviors we could build. Probably because it’s hard, and exhausting. And more than likely because the rewards are not immediate. In fact, when we try starting a new fitness regimen, we sometimes give up almost as soon as we start because the lack of instant gratification has a demotivational effect on us. Therein lies the problem. We know we need to, and we want to, but getting over that initial roadblock is a tall task. Let’s be honest, it’s not just difficult to do it once, it’s hard to follow through consistently. So how do we break through this barrier and make regular exercise more than just a task to be completed? How do we go from reluctantly getting ready to work out to looking forward to it? Let’s explore some ways to make working out a habit and not just a task.

The First 100 Steps Are the Hardest

Let’s just rip off the band-aid. As much as we hate hearing it, the beginning is always the hardest part. This seems counter to what we just said about making working out less of a task, but first things first, we need to open the door and go. It’s important to do this, because as we all know, when we’re struggling to keep up a fitness program, our workouts end before we even begin. So, how do we counter this? Walking out the front door and counting our first 100 steps. Having a nice, round number to start with may seem overly simple, and that’s because it is. Once we’re 100 steps away, it’s significantly easier to say to ourselves “well, I already started so I may as well see it through.” As soon as we hit that goal, we start to let go of the reluctance and stop counting until the workout is done. In time, with repetition, it stops being so daunting, because we’ve already done it 100 times before. In case anyone is wondering, that’s 10,000 steps of “Just go.”

Lay out your Workout Clothes in Advance

If only due to its simplicity, this is a small habit that can lead to a bigger one. By laying out our clothes in advance, we are already making a commitment to get on with our work out and make it a routing. Really, how silly would it be to lay clothes out just to leave them there? Setting up small visual reminders is always helpful but knowing that we deliberately set out clothes to go be active is also a way of being accountable to ourselves. “Past” us clearly wanted to work out, right? Setting this up is not just s reminder to ourselves, it’s a challenge.

Schedule It

Some people are early birds (why?!) and some of us are night owls. But whenever the preferred time is, setting a specific time is a key step because it is an acknowledgement that we are adding physical activity to our schedule. The key is picking a time we can stick to. Some people may like getting it done as a way to start the day, others as a means to end it. There is no wrong answer here, but by not setting a time and sticking to it, all of a sudden, we’re putting it off until its more “convenient” or until tomorrow. The only habit that helps build is procrastination. By making this a regular part of our lives, eventually, it’s hard to imagine life without it.

Ease Into It

If you feel like we’ve said this before, you’re right, we have. It’s a good habit to remind ourselves that nobody ever just stood up and ran a marathon on day one (or day 26). It’s important to be mindful of the fact that sometimes we let ourselves get carried away by our enthusiasm and our newfound sense of purpose but starting big is an almost surefire way to get burned out quickly. Focus only slowly but surely building endurance, and before you know it, you’ve built a habit of gradually increasing your fitness!

Make It Enjoyable

If we try to build a healthy habit and all we do is suffer through it, most of us won’t keep to it. That makes sense, seeing as people generally try to avoid pain as much as possible, and why build a habit if it’s going to hurt so much? Instead, take steps to make workouts more enjoyable. Take some earbuds with you and focus on the music. Or if you enjoy working out outdoors, pick locations near you that are more scenic. Explore! Keeping our minds on something more enjoyable for a while eventually helps us associate physical activity with other things we enjoy, until the thing we enjoy is the physical activity itself.

Enjoy Your Rest Day (And Cycle Workouts)

Once again, we’re going to repeat ourselves, but only because it’s so important. Resting every few days is an integral part of both physical fitness and forming healthy habits. Our bodies need time to recover and rebuild a bit. It’s hard to be consistent if we’re injured due to overusing muscles. Which brings us to our next point, variety is extra helpful in a workout routine. While its beneficial to do cardio and weights a few times a week, be careful not to focus on just one muscle group. Physical activity is good for the whole body, so be sure to work different muscle groups as well!

Consult Professionals

In effect, weight loss, nutrition, and wellness, and fitness falls under the category of medical science. By seeking the help of trained professionals, you not only have better resources to succeed, but the support structure you need to build better habits. The professionals at Olivera Weight Loss have over 40 years of experience in helping people reduce their weight to a healthy BMI, in a clinically proven and medically safe way, and with the means to help their patients keep it off. Patients who qualify for medical weight loss treatment with Olivera receive Phentermine, an FDA approved, clinically proven appetite suppressant. Additionally, Olivera offers a wide array of supplements designed to help you lose weight, and others to help boost energy. With our established patients having the option to continue their care with our Telehealth service, receiving the support, encouragement, and continuing education they need, we make it easier than ever to follow your plan!