Everybody is always excited to see summer come, and sad to see it go. We get it, who doesn’t love it? But now summer is over, and now is the time to break any of the bad habits you may have formed the last few months. Hey, it’s alright! It happens to all of us. But breaking these pesky habits is easier said than done. That’s why it’s good to get the help you need, to get back on track. You may think you just don’t have enough time to come in for regular appointments. Don’t worry, we thought of that! At Olivera Weight Loss, we offer our established clients the opportunity to continue with their plan remotely, by way of Telephone appointments with our qualified Nurse Practitioner. 

Qualifying for Telehealth

To qualify for telehealth, you need to be a registered patient who has completed two in person appointments. This may seem arbitrary, but it’s actually very helpful in a few different ways. First, in order to become a patient, you must be eligible. This means screening for things such as blood pressure, BMI (Body Mass Index), and others. This ensures that you can safely participate in our Medical weight loss program. Secondly, by coming in for two appointments, you get the benefit of establishing a relationship with our medical professionals, and vice versa. This relationship undoubtedly carries over into the phone calls you will have with us in the ensuing months. That way, when you begin your follow ups via our Telehealth appointments, you will know who you’re speaking with on the other end of the phone, and get the most out of our program. 

Benefits of Telehealth

Weight loss is a journey of self-care, not an overnight cure. This means that consistency is key. Taking the first step of this journey is important, but it is just as important to keep taking steps forward, and because we’re human, sometimes we stumble. That’s ok, it happens to the best of us! By having scheduled Telehealth appointments, you have someone you can trust to help keep you focused on your goals, as well as access to our meal plans, which makes charting your progress (and sticking with it) much easier.

 In addition to the counseling you receive as part of our service, this also provides the opportunity for continuing education regarding your weight loss. This can range from learning about which foods make you feel fuller, to how to cope with slip ups, and with identifying any possible food sensitivities. 

Another one of the benefits is a complimentary B12 injection within 30 days of registering, which is good for an energy boost to keep you focused, motivated, and moving! Finally, and most convenient to you, it opens the path to a over the phone prescription for a 30-day supply of Phentermine. 

Self Care Doesn’t Mean “By Yourself”

If there is one point we want to make, it’s that nobody has to go through their self-improvement journey alone. Having help, support, and education along the way makes the journey easier, but your achievements are all your own. We just want to help you get there! Reach out to us, and we will help set you on the path. We can’t wait to hear from you!