As one of the top Medical Weight Loss centers in Chicago, Olivera Weight Loss prioritizes offering the best care for our patients. By far, the crown jewel of that commitment to care is our Medical Weight Loss Telehealth service. Our expansion into the realm of Telehealth has taken our commitment to patient care to the next level, in ways that may surprise many. With the introduction of Medical Weight Loss Telehealth to our lineup, Olivera Weight Loss is able to address many of our patients’ needs that could not be accommodated through traditional care. Read on for just a few examples:

Telehealth meets patients where they are: As the pandemic restrictions made clear, travel to an office for care isn’t a possibility for everyone. Telehealth allows our dedicated practitioners to offer care to those who find themselves unable to make a trip into the office for any number of reasons.

Telehealth streamlines time commitments: For many people, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to fit everything in. With Telehealth, patients can eliminate travel time to and from appointments, so they can maximize the care they receive without carving large spaces in their schedule to get it.

Telehealth offers flexibility: It can be difficult to schedule care when the rest of life keeps moving around the calendar. Patients who receive Telehealth care can schedule their appointments with confidence, knowing that no matter where life happens to take them that day, they can still receive the care they need with the convenience of a phone call.

Telehealth minimizes anxiety: It is no secret that weight loss can often be an emotionally charged issue for those who need assistance. By choosing Telehealth, patients who are anxiety-prone can choose their setting, ensuring that they feel comfortable and more at ease discussing their triumphs and challenges, as well as strategies for success. 

Telehealth travels well: There is no stress quite like having an established routine and preferred care providers – only to have travel disrupt that routine. With Telehealth, your appointment can happen anywhere, with the same providers who are familiar with your history. There is no need to find an unfamiliar provider in a strange location just for the sake of keeping up a successful routine. The best Medical Weight Loss provider in Chicago is just a phone call away, no matter whether you’re in the neighborhood or in another time zone. 

Olivera Weight Loss is committed to caring for everybody and every body, no matter when or where. Telehealth allows our dedicated and caring professionals to do just that! Make your next Medical Weight Loss appointment a Telehealth appointment, and discover for yourself the many ways in which Telehealth makes healthy living accessible. Appointments are limited, so book an appointment now to reserve your spot.

**Eligibility: The telehealth service is for established patients only. Patients must have a stable blood pressure history, current labs on file, and an office visit within the last 12 months.