How many times have you set a resolution to lose weight?  Has it worked?  Many people make one fatal flaw when setting their weight-related resolution.  Avoid that this year and reach that resolution you’ve been dreaming of!

The fatal flaw to most resolutions is that they are not behavior-based.  People chose “lose thirty pounds” or “get in shape.”  Although those can be your ultimate goals, you need to focus your resolution on things you can actually control.  You can’t just “lose thirty pounds” – you have to do something to lose the weight, like exercise three times a week or stop drinking soda.

Avoid this fatal flaw by choosing resolutions that you are in control of, that will help you get to your overall goal of losing weight.  Here are some excellent resolutions that will all help you lose weight!  Choose a few you are confident you can stick with.  The bigger and harder changes for you will likely yield higher weight loss, so choose resolutions that will be challenging, too.

Eat at least 3 cups of vegetables per day.

Eat 2 pieces (or two cups) of fruit per day.

Eat lean protein (chicken, fish, beans, 90/10 ground meats, etc.) and avoid high fatty proteins.

Eat two servings of low-fat dairy per day.

Eat when you are hungry and focus on healthy foods that keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Limit fried food to once per month.

Stop drinking regular soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages.

Limit dessert to once per week.

Calorie count using a free app or in a journal.

Join a group or class for added accountability – attend regularly.

Replace simple starches (juice, white bread, white pasta) with complex carbohydrates (whole grains, starchy vegetables).

Limit eating out to once per week or less.

Limit your alcohol intake.

Cook at home and pack your lunches.

Walk 30 minutes 5 days per week.

Exercise for 45 minutes 3 days per week.

Exercise for an hour 4 days per week.

You can take any of these goals and adjust them to be more appropriate for you.  Just remember to choose something challenging that you are confident you can do.

Check out Fool Proof Ways to Conquer Your Fitness Resolutions for more tips on reaching your resolutions.  Need more helpful advice on losing weight?  Read Diet Like A Dietitian and get advice from our dietitian on how she manages her weight.  The staff at Olivera Weight Loss also have their own weight loss tips, which you can see here.

Olivera Weight Loss can help you reach your resolution.

We use research-proven strategies, approaches and tools to help our patients achieve successful weight loss.  We offer a variety of services to meet your needs.  In our remote Nutrition Consultations, our Registered Dietitian develops a plan customized to meet your needs without you ever having to leave your home.  Phentermine, an FDA approved appetite suppressant proven to help patients lose weight, is available at Olivera Weight Loss for patients who qualify.  We offer all services in a caring, supportive environment. For more information on pricing and our other services, please visit our webpage or give us a call at 773-327-6624.  Follow us on Facebook for free weight loss tips, recipes and more.

*Please note, appointments are required for new patients and strongly encouraged for returning patients to minimize wait times.*