Weight Loss Success Stories

People across Chicago are talking about their weight loss success with Olivera

They’ve tried diets. They’ve tried supplements. They’ve tried all the fads and crazy weight loss schemes promoted on late night television. Our patients are just like you and millions of other Americans struggling to lose weight or simply manage their weight.

Finally, a weight loss program that works!

Most of our patients find out about the Weight Management program at Olivera Weight Loss through a friend or family member. Listen to what they have to say about our weight loss clinic, our medical staff and how Phentermine and diet and lifestyle counseling have changed their lives for the better! You’ll also see how much our staff members love their jobs, helping people make significant, meaningful changes in their lives.

Client Testimonials

“Phentermine stopped my cravings and desire to eat junk.”

“I stuck with the plan, developed better eating habits, and it worked!  I lost 16 pounds in the first month!  The staff at Olivera helped me improve my diet and regain my confidence.  Better yet, my healthy habits are now positively impacting my daughter and she’s eating healthier, too.” — Cindy

“I felt like someone cared about my health.”

“Teresa’s frank conversation, realistic goal and reassurance that I would feel at least a little better encouraged me. I met my goal of getting under 200! Not only did I reach that goal, I stopped drinking diet soda, increased water and still drink fresh veggie juice daily.” — Jennifer H.

“I want to say thank you so much for helping me.”

“No one has ever been so kind to me like this. I actually cried from the thoughtful deed.” —Licia M.

“My waist shrunk from 54 inches down to 38 inches.” —Chester

“I’ve got more energy and it’s easier to breathe.” —Marlena

“You changed my life.  The lipotropic injections, probiotics and advice from the dietitian, Cassandra, helped me lose 7 pounds in one week.”

“Plus, I have continued to lose weight. I’ve lost 35 pounds so far! I feel refreshed, energized and more positive. I’m 49 and I feel like I am back in my twenties!” – Carla

“My blood pressure is lower and I feel lighter.” —Raulene

“I feel fantastic. I have energy through the roof!”

“My husband and I are doing it together. My husband started out at 325 pounds and he got on the scale this morning and he’s 283. I started at 318 and now I’m 275. Losing the weight inspired me to really pay attention to my fitness and I go to the gym seven days a week!” —Rhonda S.